Friday, September 18, 2015

Links and Catchup

I am shocked, shocked by this... I mean, one never hears about this from Catholic school kids...*cough, St. Ed's, cough*

All I can say is...yes and no.  I've been over this before...but I suspect that the solution is to force people to buy certain items -- fruits and veggies -- and to limit the rest...but the notion that people don't have the time to cook healthy foods or NOT eat crap...well, trust me, that is not completely true.

As I like to is one thing to be naive at 20ish, but when you get to be my age...well, then you're just plain dumb.

Anyways, finished up the Powell series today; a little anticlimactic, a little down....I will sort of miss it, because at times it was interesting, even though the ending was a little...well, odd.  I've decided to wait a bit before hitting the next fiction book  (Deliverance, awesome) to catch up on the nonfiction pile/knock off some films.  Rah.

The Tribe is back to .500 and in the Wild Card race (snicker); I have to admit, putting a six-spot on Chris Sale was most impressive.  Equally impressive is the fact that they actually put Bauer in the bullpen; I mean. the move has been needed for a while, I just didn't think Terry would have the stones to do it...


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