Tuesday, October 20, 2015




I've always found it fascinating that all that went wrong in Iraq has been relentlessly chronicled, but failures like this -- going from 20 to 10 million is hardly a success, to say nothing of a bold-face lie -- is given minimal, if any, shrift.   I realize of course that there is liberal bias, and this is something a bit more complex -- people getting insured is good, and the fact that is too expensive, unsustainable, not done intelligently -- well, who cares, and of course, journalists get into the profession to help people...and we all know where good intentions get you.  But, and this comes from my vast experience...is that journalists are simply too dumb to put all of this together; I mean, the job entails writing at a fifth-grade level, and you just cannot communicate things at that level.  I also wonder if THIS is why print media is dying; you can get better stuff out there online, you just have to look for it.

The Mets are surprising me, though I guess -- given their superior rotation -- I should not be; I mean, if they could handle the Dodgers, Arrieta, Lester, and crew aren't exactly Koufax and Drysdale, if you get my drift...though they are good pitchers.  Indeed, I would posit that Maddon and his Francona-style bullpen machinations are a tacit acceptance of that fact...


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