Monday, November 02, 2015

Reign of Sadness

So, baseball takes a back seat to the winter sports...and I am sad.  I have to admit...I don't disagree with Collins leaving Harvey out there; I mean, let's face it, he was probably going to leave him in no matter what, barring some bs line...but he wanted to be sure.  Considering the frequency with which Familia blew saves (not all his fault) in the Series...well, it is more justified than people are giving him credit for, I suspect.

Watched the original "House of Wax" Saturday -- TCM ran it -- and I sort of liked it; I mean, it was hardly the worst one I've seen, and while the story isn't that scary, it was...well, clever.  Vincent Price was quite good, and I could see how, given some of the camera tricks, how the 3-D would have played to the audience (sadly, it is lost to us now, but...). I did get a kick out of how movie studio guys were convinced that they needed 3-D to save their businesses, lest TV drive them to the poorhouse.  Not so much, I think.

October OC stats...487 clients, totaling 201 seniors, 656 adults, and 500 children.  Rah.  I am in charge this month, and you can only imagine how awesome that will be...actually, we are as busy this month as we are next, but....I wanted out, so here it is.


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