Tuesday, December 15, 2015


If nothing else, the GOP debate was amusing; I'll give them that.  I actually thought the Rubio-Cruz debates WERE substantive because they needed to be.  Fiorina is correct that this is why people are fed up with DC, but -- let's face it -- the people watching are GOP people who follow -- at least nominally -- the issues.  Hell, even the Rand Paul types have their supporters, and at the primary/caucus level, it IS important.  Not sure Kasich had much to say, but, let's face it, a foreign policy debate is not where a governor will shine (Christie is an exception, given his prosecutorial role).

For the Atlantic, this was fair and balanced, and you know, they're right; people -- especially those with a history of making crappy decisions -- do need to be told what to do.  There is some (a lot, actually) sense to the notion that the poor can't make decisions properly due to information/mental overload, but, if you think about, it actually reinforces the position of "do this for your own good or else."

I always get a kick out of these things...sort of like people berating Trump for his views, which are odious, but, let's face it, until a generation ago, these views were de rigeur (in theory and practice) among Democrats (Robert Byrd, anybody?).  I don't seem to recall people marching to the barricades to protest then, FWIW.

November OC stats:
480 visitors, reporting 193 seniors, 706 adults and 449 children.


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