Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Hard to believe it is December with the weather we are having, not that I am complaining...I can assure you of that.  :)


 Color me extremely skeptical for a few reasons, such as 1) If all this Hope and Change was happening as advertised, we wouldn't have all of these poor people; 2) From my experience, it is more lucrative for SOME people to collect food stamps, rather than work; and 3) Check out the salaries of your local food pantry...just saying.


This is a good thing, to be sure, but after a while, a state legislature -- such as one populated by spending-cutting Tea Partiers, for instance -- needs to step in and both outlaw this nonsense, and force universities to spend on sports what they take in.  The solution would involve salary cuts, I think, as well as, say, cutting sports...but I would argue that Title IX doesn't apply; if women really cared about their sports, they'd support them -- and the same is true for men.  Crazy idea, of course, but it just might work!


I'd like to note that I am shocked, shocked, that this is happening in the blue areas...which are of course the ones that are the most costly to live in -- and thus need these less-expensive options to single-family housing for residences.


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