Sunday, November 22, 2015


Final weekend at the OC...another busy day.  People were ok, but, as I told some of the volunteers...days like Saturday make one want to go home and read Atlas Shrugged.  And, I will matter how poor people are, they can always afford tattoos, booze, and cigarettes -- all of which are consumed in immense quantities.  There is still some residual turkey business to handle...we did have another large crowd; 160 or so, and it was steady all day.  No break, no time to clean, put stuff back...that sort of thing.  It is good to help (the clothing room did land office business) thing we were all amused by is that people seem to think we should have turkeys...when we tell people we can't afford them, some of's like we have some secret turkey storage site or something.

As you can imagine, the news that we won't be giving out diapers anymore (the parish that donated them can't do it due to the cost)...yeah, that went over equally well.

I actually think this is quite sensible, and is actually a way to solve the affordable housing building housing.

The OSU was..well, amusing; I mean, Jesus, they play-calling was pretty atrocious, but...the entire game?  That line about a football coach being smart enough to know the game, but dumb enough to think it is important...well, not always.

I realize December isn't that far away, but it was a little jarring to see snow around this morning.  To be sure, not a lot, but I have kept the furnace on... and we all know how I feel about spending money...


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