Tuesday, November 10, 2015


So, I went to Big Al's Diner in Larchmere this weekend for brunch...it was good, not great, a little pricey.  Getting there was quite the interesting trip.  Went after Mass, took 79th to Kinsman (79th was blocked) to 93rd, and then up Woodland...it was a tour of bigger shitholes, if you will.

Read Orwell's The Road to Wigan Pier this weekend...I liked it, but what really surprised me was how relevant it was even now.  Stuff he discussed included how the poor chose to eat poorly even when they can eat healthier, how slum clearance actually harms the poor, as the new places are farther from the job centers (costs more) and that the stores there cost more (hurts them in the pocketbook), how children -- many of them -- make it hard to get shit done at home, and people then blame the poor being lazy, of all things...  quite good.  The second half of the book was basically a discussion of why aren't we Socialists now...which is basically an earlier version of What's the Matter With Kansas, which amused me to no end.

Wonder how Ted Cruz will do tonight with a somewhat friendlier audience...sort of like how I wonder who will be in the OF for the Tribe next year...


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