Tuesday, June 07, 2016


Well...where should we begin?  I am 38.  Ugh.  Actually, I decided -- having been an ass for a few days -- I need to sweat this less.  It sucks, but...if people want to be nice to you, let them.  I get worked up...Friday was an exceptionally crappy day, I was jacked...and when I decided things could not get any worse...I lost my Fitbit at the OC.  I was doing crap, and looked down...and it was gone.  Could be in a 1000 places...ugh.  My Mom suggested I get a replacement, but as I told her...this one didn't last six months, no point in wasting more dough.  Besides...I can walk and exercise without it.

As a matter of fact...three people in the last week have commented that I look...fit and/or thinner.  As you can imagine, that has helped, and in honor of this...another killer day at the gym.  Tomorrow is leg day, so I might actually get killed.  I did hit 60 lbs on the squats, and will keep it up -- I need to do MORE stuff here, such as squats and planks.  I've been adding protein when possible, at the expense of carbs, and will continue to do so...

The Tribe is on something of a tear...I was at Saturday's game -- Tomlin pitched well, the power surge was nice, and a decent crowd made it...well, a very good vibe.  I am not sure if this will continue, but the pitching has been good... Salazar's rest concerns me, I will admit, though -- as I pointed out to the coworkers -- we have 100 games to go, and we will need Danny for at least 20 more of them, so, caution is good here.


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