Monday, May 30, 2016

Weekend prolonged

Well, that was a fun Tribe know, for all of the complaints about attendance...well, losing 3 of 4 at home, and in the way they have (two close ones and a blowout)...well, which is worse, I guess.

I ended up enjoying the extended weekend; went to the gym every day (and am feeling it, but I am slowly adding some weight to the lifting, so that is good), hit the Greek Fest in Tremont and the Blossom Festival in Chagrin (I had never seen the falls, you know) and some QFT.  Read a book and started the next version of Inspector Morse...also re-started on some projects I had put off.

I also listened to some of the CDs in the case...I think I hit every classic 90s band (such as Counting Crows) which made me feel very...old.  And with certain events coming didn't help.


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