Wednesday, May 18, 2016


As you can see, Mr. Blogger is...well, not blogging much.  Tonight I cannot sleep and am watching the Tribe.

Went to Alma, Michigan this past weekend to see Favorite Niece play softball; made the Tourney, didn't win out, and the season and career are over.  Very sad.  I will miss it, even if I could do without the inane chants, the bunts...etc.

Work has been...blah.  Not much guidance, things in the air...I know it is a time of transition, but...things are unsettled.  Top it off, all sorts of computer issues -- new server-related -- which do not exactly boost productivity or morale.  Oi.

Been doing some reading -- mainly books about war and some of the Inspector Morse series.  I have Deliverance by Dickey next in the queue, so I can start the fiction list again (not that I have any great desire to read the thing).

Dan Otero is in the game for the Tribe to get the save; I only mention this because they sent down Naquin again today, and while in some ways I get it -- he should play every day, and if not, he should go -- but I really don't think the future of Naquin with the ballclub should rest upon the roster status of Dan Otero, for Christ's sake.


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