Saturday, April 30, 2016


That was depressing...another Tribe loss late; I know it's still April, is better to win them now.  Honestly, isn't that the situation to bring in Crockett, shutting down Howard?  Especially given the taterific tendencies of Allen lately and the fact that the Phillies had already burned Ruf as a PH...

In other news, my plans for today were canceled so I went and did chores...I need new tires (ugh) which puts a crimp on the appliance replacement plan.  Got the echeck (grr) and went to the gym and for a run, both of which kicked my ass beyond recognition, but it was good to get some extra work in on my less-than-impressive physique.  I've been trying to catch up on my reading -- the treadmill is good for that -- and I intend to do some house-cleaning today as well, not like I have or want company...


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