Tuesday, April 26, 2016



This is actually pretty interesting.


I realize, of course, that a Voxer wouldn't see the connection, but, as I like to say...the reason why Democrats and slaveowners back in the day objected to the comparison was that it put them in the moral wrong, and no one likes to be told they are morally bankrupt.  Of course, that didn't mean they weren't, did it?

I see Cody Anderson put together a less-than-crappy start today; at least he went five innings.  After yesterday's clunker, one expects a win today, or else...well, I think, sooner or later, the pitching staff will change...

Watched "The Grand Budapest Hotel" tonite (a break from the list).  I liked it; I felt it to be...whimsical, if nothing else.  I do think it was sort of Netflixable, and it was a quintessential Anderson pic


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