Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Catching Up

Much like the drunk who quits, or the exercise fanatic back at the gym (that would be me!), I am back...OC stats for Match (closed for Easter, you know):
283 households, serving 133 seniors, 374 adults, 199 kids (this seems off, but I don't care, either)

Rah.  In the meantime, work is slightly better.  I find myself getting fat; I suspect (I weighed in at 177 at the gym today) this is due to the food, which is all the Easter goodies...ham, kielbasa, bakery.  Soon they will be gone, though, and back to the grind.  I have hit the gym hard the past two days after the layoff; prolly not the smartest thing, but damn it, I want to, and it did feel good.

Movie-wise, stuck at 409; I ordered "El Norte" from the library, but it was defective, so another copy is on the way.  I do have the final season of "Mad Men" to watch, which I am doing; I always joke about getting a show in before baseball every year, and I think not this time.  Vacation did the trick.  I like the show, will miss it; like To Kill A Mockingbird, I don't think it was the best ever, but it is good.

I have nine library books on the table...this week, assuming I survive, I am handling them.


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