Sunday, April 03, 2016


Well, my plan to blog every day almost worked.  Thursday I stayed late to finish the project from hell; Friday I did so and left work early, poured myself a large gin and tonic, and went to bed.  Saturday I went to the gym bright and early and then went with my sister to Mount Union for a softball doubleheader...favorite niece's team lost, it was misterably cold, and I caked home a pound of mud.  I had a medicinal G&T and went to bed.  So today...I woke up and I feel like I conditioned myself with a belt sander; it was leg day and I guess I overdid it.

In the meantime, I went through some bills and paperwork, finished off some crap today...and will prolly watch a film before I watch the women's Final Four (rah).  I need to do some other stuff, might get to it today -- I have a couple of things I work on, and then vacation and work fell in, and it went on the back burner.  I keep saying not this week, but, of course, progress happens THIS week, so...

I am looking forward to Wisconsin; not that we are hellbent on a brokered convention, but Trump's math would be more complex going forward, and I want a brokered convention, not only to pick someone else, but also because it would be pretty awesome to watch....


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