Saturday, May 21, 2016


All sorts of talk about the Tribe and its win streak.  To be sure, sweeping the Reds is no big thing, though the one game they could have lost.  On the other hand, you have to beat the Reds and teams like them to contend.  I suspect will get better once Carrasco returns, which is good, as the White Sox have two top starters, and we will need them as well...

30 pages of the Civil War book to go, and off to the fiction list...not that I am all that excited about it, but I started something, may as well finish it...

Hit the gym this AM; hard, too.  I've been adding some weight to my efforts and have been slowly extending the scope and amount of cardio; not that I sense my body being more manly, but there is an improvement in what I can lift.  The next big thing is to eat a little better and keep the weight at 170.  There really isn't a reason why I cannot put more steps in, being Mr. Fitbit, and doing some more evening exercises -- squats and planks -- just to get the blood moving, either.


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