Friday, April 21, 2017


Been a little (well, more) down today...a friend gave a couple of us a call for some issues, which we resolved, and then we moved on to other things, including a highly favorable prognostication on some of my...latest romantic attempts...  I told them that, like Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited, I should just confine myself to a monastery to spare me...well, everything.  This actually amused the hell out of me, since 1) It's not these guys are aware of the book and 2) Finding out the exact meaning of the reference will give them all sorts of titters....  Anyways, more to the point...much as remarriage is the triumph of hope over experience...I have been down these roads before, and even after greatly discounting my usual full-bore romantic push...well, as with everything, I know how these "irons in the fire" will end.  That was of course depressing...also, the fact that the boys had to come to me for advice...ok, not really, as I was able to provide my usual insight, but...I guess it is a good thing, but I felt bad for my friends.  To say nothing of the usual stuff, like the meh of work and a sleepless night...well, laying down will be a relief.

Kluber has been pretty awesome today; yesterday, Bauer was able to avoid the usual meltdown and pitch out of a jam.  My ex-supervisor and I were discussing his approach, and I said that I thought the Tribe's brain trust and their insistence he cull pitches from the repertoire was a little dumb, as you'd think, with only three or four, guys would figure it out...generations ago, the trend was to teach guys four or five..  Course, I thought about it...back then, with only four starters, fewer teams, less faced guys more times in a season, and thus you needed a full bunch of pitches to give guys different looks -- and of course you were expected to face guys four times a game.  Now, of course, six or seven, and five relievers (and hours) later...there you go.


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