Wednesday, April 19, 2017


My plans for the evening were changed by the rain; water, of course, creeped up into the basement.  Not a lot, of course -- as I like to say, like when you put your toes in at the beach, but a bit more than last year...grrr.  So, rather than catch up on some reading and watch "Concussion" (the movie the NFL doesn't want you to see!), I spent most of the evening brooming water about, bailing, and slaving away.  Grr again.  This has a number of other consequences, such as my needing to Swiffer the basement tomorrow, my needing to do the same to the kitchen floor (I trucked up some dirt), drying all of the sopped towels...also, ants tend to make their first appearance about now, so I have to prepare for that.  I know, First World problems in the extreme, but...


I think this is brilliant; after all, they want to pay their fair share of taxes, or at least want YOU to pay their fair share, but like most liberals, they really want everyone else to pay their fair share.  

I went and had dinner with some friends yesterday in the People's Socialist Bodega, which, despite its nomenclature, had a Moroccan menu and theme... we stuck to tapas, and it was nice, but the whole thing did amuse me.  I did manage to survive, mainly by not telling anyone I was going, lest the authorities be notified...


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