Friday, August 04, 2017

Back at it

Work has been its usual self, which is why I have not blogged; also PQ (second), general busy-ness, and poor sleep much so I was in bed by 10:30 last nite, and may do it again tonight, too... give the Tribe credit -- they have made plays and Bauer has pitched well.  I am not quite sure that the bullpen dread is warranted, but...some length from these guys would be nice.

I think the Smith deal was good but...they needed more.  All I can say; I know they suspect the arrival of Kipnis and Chisenhall will help, but...well, looking at the flurry of moves made by KC...hmmm

I think the point here -- missed by the author -- is that the Senate was supposed to represent the states/restrain the growth of the big federal government, and that if you couldn't handle that, you could be replaced in six years, to say nothing of boosting interest in state elections.  I have no problem with either of these goals, and I think a lot of GOPers don't, either...

This could be me, but if Underground Railroad could win a National Book Award for this scenario, I would like to think that we could at least stand to watch a couple of episodes.

Up to 574 on the film list -- watched "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" over the weekend.  1916 silent, very cool...they did sort of blend two of his novels together, but the camera work (with underwater scenes) was most impressive.


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