Friday, October 05, 2018


So, the Tribe's postseason roster is out, and it is Rajai and Yandy...the lack of a MINF is interesting, not that we really need one, I guess, because if Lindor goes down... anyways, Allen and/or Davis/or Guyer will be the defensive OF replacemnets, which is...well, I would feel better about it save for the high-porosity bullpen, because you don't want them hitting late with the game on the line.  I am not particularly optimistic, for a number or reasons, but that is nothing new...

There is a simple and obvious solution...GOPers need to start doing this right back...
One of my coworkers and I were discussing this... she pointed out (and she is a NotTrump GOPer!) that this shouldn't be surprising, a rich Irish kid who likes to drink too much.  I was glad she said it and not I, though I of course would have added something about not keeping it in their pants.  More seriously... I made the comment that this administration is like the cartoons, where Foghorn Leghorn or Wile E. Coyote always steps on the rake...  no matter they do (Trump!), it always gets done wrong... I mean, picking a SC justice shouldn't be that hard, and I know our President isn't really one for propriety...someone should have sussed this out and found someone who was... more of a prude?

The new NAFTA/tariff thing is another point.  We put some provisions that open the Canadian dairy market to our goods... ok, this is a good thing, especially in competitive states -- MN, WI, NH; hell, even in OH and PA, farmers raise cows.  You'd think someone woudl be out there trying to get this message out, but even if they were, it would Kavanaugh, so... oi.


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