Tuesday, September 18, 2018

My two cents...

Andrew Miller, pitching...well?  Who knew?  Actually, the one thing that impresses me is Yandy's batting... in this era of pull-happy hitters... this could be me, but it could be an advantage that he has such an other way approach; you pitch him in, and he can take it the other way, but hanging outside, you get opposite-field power.  Plus, he does seem to get men in; sort of like Mike Napoli a couple of years ago; not that he was a tremendous success, but a larger share of his hits came just when we needed them.  I know clutchness isn't a skill, but some guys might just be better hitters in those situations.


I sort of agree?  I mean, I think the issue that many people -- including me, I guess -- think that he has just not spent enough time in Purgatory/twisting in the wind/etc. and thus simply rankles, which is fair.  The point we could ask, of course, is when is it ok to come out of the closet (if you will).  I thought of this guy:


Maybe this works?  Go to prison, get out, move into something different and charitable?  Nobody, not even oncologists, is pro-cancer, and it does seem he has...kept his nose clean?  Been sufficiently repentant?  Stayed away from the markets?  I guess my point is there really isn't a blueprint as to redemption, but some people (cough, Urban Meyer, cough) seem to be creating one for the opposite.

I guess this brings me to the issue of the day, namely, Kavanaugh.  I mean, I think it is highly possible he committed the deed in question. That's not probable; he denies it, his friend (a biased observer, of course) denies it, and we have a he said/she said scenario.  And, given the timing and the lack of evidence either way... well, I think you see the issue.  Or at least one of them, because...
1) As I noted elsewhere, for Democrats -- the people of Chappaquiddick, the smearing of Juanita Brodderick, the party of Sherrod Brown and Harvey Weinstein and Keith Ellison -- to be this party is like asking the town whore to lead the choir.
2)  Also, it is amusing that the left -- the party of civil liberties, a pro-defense strain in the criminal justice system -- has now created a system where you are not only guilty until proven innocent (and even then not) but that the rules -- evidence, reviews of facts, an implicit bias in the favor of the defense -- that THEY have created have been thrown away for... well, a Kafka-esque system or, as I like to say, a church without salvation.
3) I'd also like to note that while women should be believed... there are of course, false accusations.  Duke LAX and UVA come to mind...again, the men in this were punished -- for doing nothing wrong -- than the women ever could be.
4)  This could be me, but...isn't what Dianne Feinstein did obstruction of justice? Sitting on this for weeks when, if she was truly serious about investigating...  that alone for me raises questions...


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