Saturday, August 25, 2018


So, after last night, I would have said we have a closer problem, and thankfully there are other options at Hand (ha!) but we won't use them.  Today...well, maybe Kluber had a bad day at the office, as did the offense, but... now what?  Nothing about this team actually inspires confidence... I am beginning to think that the Tribe will end up like the Braves of the 90s, but without winning even one, and that would be... well, incredibly sad.

Took Mom to Shake Shack today -- I wanted to go myself, let's be clear -- and while it is a bit pricey, it was good... Pinecrest is basically Crocker Park, with the parking that is not terribly convenient, but we survived.  Mom loved the burger and wants to go back, especially if I am paying.

Up to 681 on the film list, as last nite I watched all of the extant episodes of "The Perils of Pauline," a 1914 serial detailing, hilariously and dramatically, the perils of a young heiress whose ward is trying to get rid of her.  It was good, though you'd have to think at some point she would have investigated while someone was always after her.  The star, Pearl White, was a sad tale...  also, the male villain of the series, interestingly enough had a long career even after the silent era faded, and was a waiter in Casablanca... this sort of stuff just fascinates me, as you can imagine!


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