Friday, August 10, 2018


I was off today -- summer Friday and an MD appointment -- and I took advantage of it by cleaning off some paperwork, handling some affairs, and finally, watching "The Big Trail" on youtube.  675 from the list -- John Wayne's first big role as frontiersman leading the settlers across the West.  As a film, it was...well, it touched all the bases, if you get my drift, but it was also, for 1930, pretty...good?  I mean, I liked it, and Raoul Walsh knew what he was doing.  On the one hand, they've been making film for 40 years; on the other, talkies had been around for two years, and to go to "The Big Trail" from nada in that time... pretty cool.

I have to admit, not only do I not think that the GOP will hold the House, I don't think they will hold the Senate, either...  I am not sure they can play offense and defense at the same time, hell, we can't even do one...

I love stuff like this, but...why can't it be both?  Two catastrophes simultaneously occurring would more do the trick, I think...


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