Thursday, July 26, 2018

Caught up

As many of you are now aware, I took a mini-vacation for the year and went to Chicago -- meeting Favorite Niece there -- to see the last (for now!) Vans Warped Tour... I was at the first, so... anyways, it was a lot of fun.... saw ten bands, hung out, good music... I did get kicked in the head by a crowdsurfer, knocking off my glasses -- they were quickly saved -- but they are still not right.  Other than that... I rented a car, a little Kia -- it could easily hit 80, use a lot less gas... it took four hours to get home, maybe a little more, and there was still some to spare.  So wise choice on my part...

Oh, I don't know... this could be me, but if liberals set the standard of "Any offensive tweet is calls for the axe (rightly or wrongly, I think we all know my free speech feelings) and ASAP" this will only encourage conservatives to go out and find offensive tweets and texts, because... well, it is YOUR petard.  Much as MLBers should be deleting offensive shit, so too should people on the left...  I think we are all better off if people can say what they like and let the market chips fall where they may, but...

As a feminist, I am shocked, shocked, by this blatant attempt to silence a woman for her beliefs.  May she persist!

In more serious news, watched "The Bargain" last night to get to 672 on the film list.  I liked it -- silent 1914 film highlighting William S. Hart, but the action scenes were well done, nice scenery, and a basic but interesting plot...I think we tend to forget that the West was shaped by dime novels and such before any roll of firm was shot, and even then, people had to adapt the movies to meet the "reality" of the audience...


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