Wednesday, August 08, 2018


Fueled by the inklings of a plan for self-improvement/fixing life issues/etc., I blog... it was good to see Cody Allen's triumphant return as Indians closer last all of one batter.  Yes, it is Sano, a good hitter, so it could happen to anyone, but, as I have noted before, with the Tribe's pen issues, every flub is going to get the microscope, like it or not.
This could be me, but isn't this sort of obvious?  I mean, humans settled Oceania fairly quickly, so it would seem to me that people who could find specks of land on a map could follow a coastline, especially if it was easier and faster than walking.

I saw this on Vox, and I was like...WTF?  I don't know... I mean, I realize we are dealing with Hope and Changers here, but... 1) Theft is a crime and wrong; and 2) I would assume that if there was an unlocked truck of semi-valuable sneakers lying about, this was either a sting or a TV show running a sting, so... I would stay away?  I realize that not everyone is like me, but...  Of course, I also realize that Chicago is not the place I would use as a model of police integrity and efficiency, and it's not like there are other, actual crimes to solve, but...


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