Sunday, August 19, 2018


Watched "Tess of the Storm Country" while watching/listening to the Tribe -- "Tess" was a silent film from 1914, so we reached #679 on the NFR without much difficulty, also thanx to the Tribe putting 8 on the Orioles.  Melky has had an interesting season; again, I think what you see is what you get (and I see room for improvement), but I have also made the case that he has been...proficient... when it comes to getting runs in.  Anyways, back to the movie, it wasn't very good, sort of clunky, but it was Mary Pickford's first (or among them) big role, so I think that was the push to include it on the list.

I always used to say that these guys -- or those like Fr. Kooky in our Diocese -- are the ones you didn't have to worry about, because their pulling crap meant that any black marks against them would in turn be on their ministries.. but nowadays, you really can't tell anymore, which is the sad part...


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