Thursday, November 01, 2018

Checking in

Well, things have been a thrill-a-minute here, and with my early bedtime scotched... well, I figured I would check in with my loyal readers.
This story amuses me... I mean, one of the issues with the Sherrod Brown thing is that there is evidence; she filed a police report.  Now, that's not something people just do... so either she lied and should face punishment, or he lied and should face punishment... but you really can't just write it off to empty words.  Ok, you can if you're a Democrat, but...

One nice thing that happened today was I took all of the baby food my parish collected -- 1200 items or so -- and took it to the OC.  Sort of funny, I forgot it was delivery day, and instead of being able to do a couple of things in undisturbed peace, it was Grand Central Station there... this was fine, but I had to go elsewhere to do crap duties.. it did sort of amuse me. Then it was off to another meeting, and then to work... where I caught up on stuff I had been leaving hanging while doing other projects.  Oi.  It was busy even if I didn't exactly clean off the inbox, if you get my drift.

I was sad to see that Dr. Z of died... I don't really follow it now, but I loved his columns; good stuff about the history of the game, line play, hell...he even picked the Browns over the Saints in that win with the tipped pass...  I think I liked the polymath part of his work...he wrote about everything, and even that which I didn't like I always found interesting...


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