Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Our Lady of Perpetual Amusement

Things are....busy.  Rah.  We survive.  I have to admit, though, it was...poetic, if you will, to see Osuma of the Astros take one like...Sherrod Brown's first wife?  All of Keith Ellison's ex-girlfriends?  Somedays, the jokes write themselves...

So, today in the lunchroom, one of the coworkers and I were discussing that:
1) It's too hard to recycle -- even people who want to recycle can't figure out what goes where anymore.
2)  The "Green Fence" of China isn't helping, but it really wasn't particularly profitable to recycle most stuff before it went into place. 
3) To really make recycling work, you still need a lot of people to go in and physically sort the stuff -- and people are the most expensive part.

My coworker (a lefty type, of course!) and I came up with the same conclusion...someone like Greenpeace or a similar organization should open up their own recycling/sorting centers (for the greater good, which amused me).  Yes, it would be costly, but they have the money... They could also put them in "jobs deserts," if you will, where you could hire those who need jobs -- we know how those progressives are about the poor, minority, dispossessed, etc.  You'd also solve our waste crisis.  I'm not saying they will, of course, but even in a place like Cleveland, a recycling center... I don't know, 30 or 40 people?  The scrap metal place by the OC has ten people working there just for metal, so... not that these would be the best jobs, but they would be...something.

This could be me, but when the headline reads "Pope actually spouts Catholic doctrine," you sort of have a problem here....


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