Tuesday, January 19, 2021


So...I crashed hard last nite, conked out at 10, woke up at 3...  then changed and went back to bed. The night before I had been up twice -- once with low blood sugar, then with a charley horse (above the knee, to boot) so that was no fun...and in consequence I skipped the Monday AM workout.  I will probably skip tomorrow's AM shift as well, mainly due to the weather and the fact that my leg still hurts from Monday.  Oi.  Should be able to do a Friday fest, though...

Watched two movies a couple of days ago that I felt were quite interesting...one was a British film, "The Wild Geese," about mercenaries in Africa.  Didn't lack for star power -- Burton, Roger Moore, Richard Harris -- and I liked it, though it is not the sort of film that would be able to get made today. The second was "Theirs is the Glory," a 1946 film about Operation Market Garden from the British perspective -- many of the actors were actually men who fought in the battle.  Also interesting, although it didn't mention the intelligence failures that led to their downfall.

So, the Trump presidency ends tomorrow... not too hard to say, but had it not been for the virus... alas. I do think the Biden presidency will be normal (in terms of political convention), albeit completely wrong.  All the talk of the GOP recapturing the House (and expanding the Senate!) is on hold.  One thing I am quite interested to see is to the fates of the GOPers who called for the impeachment of Trump.  I think Liz Cheney and a lot of them could be primaried and lose their jobs there; this could happen even if Trump is impeached/under investigation/etc.,  Now, I wonder how the press would cover that; prolly fawning the fallen GOP martyrs, but as Bill Clinton used to say, good politics is good policy, and if you get primaried...that would imply bad policy, would it not?


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