Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 So, the funeral was today, and it was...quite nice, actually.  Somewhat larger crowd than I expected, but that was ok.  Mass was nice -- two hymns (rare in this day and age), a good homily, a pretty church (we do do that well at the Shrine)... Mom would have approved.  It was funny; when I arrived, a bouquet was there...it was from the Order, which amused us immensely, given 1) Mom never wanted flowers at the funer (or at all, when she could get the money for the casino) and 2) Mom squawked about how much time I spent at the food pantry.  I got them, and I will try to keep them around as long as possible...

Sunday night I watched "The Thomas Crown Affair" on TCM.  I liked it...sort of; I mean, I liked how the film was made, but as to the plot/story...it seemed a bit much, in all honesty.  I heard the remake was as good/better than the original, so I may check it out...

Cleaned the fridge yesterday -- old stuff purged, every surface wiped clean and bleached.  For all the horror of the job, it didn't take that long (I don't let stuff accumulate) and I felt sheepish I didn't do it sooner.  I did look at some labels, at least, and pulled stuff forward.  I also re-cleaned the bathroom, not for any real reason, just to be...responsible?  Adulting?  I think I will keep at it for a few more days, as the benefits (namely, a feeling of accomplishment) seem to outweigh the other factors.  For now.


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