Sunday, December 27, 2020


 That was certainly quite the Cure bowl; I got a kick out the ending in regulation.  I don't know...either score or take a knee; I would like to think that kicking from the 5 or 6 (down the middle, too) is no different than from the 2.  That is the sort of decision that the coach should make, and we know that Hugh Freeze has had...questionable decision making in the past.  

Odd today at Mass. Well, ok, for one, I just had EM duty, so that return to normalcy was simply awesome, I can assure you.  Then...several people came up to me to ask about Mom and offer condolences...fine.  But then, one of the people I bring Communion to in the pews..gave me a gift -- a nice card, some candy, and a small amount of cash.  This threw me for a curve (ok, I didn't look at the gift til later) are fine, candy I can handle, but cash... I dunno, it's not quite blood money, but... I didn't really need it.  It will go back to the parish one way or another, but... I am not doing it for tips, so to get a gift (I am bad at gratitude, you know)... 

I noticed today that I received far fewer Xmas cards than in years past.  Not sure if this is due to the pandemic, the mail issues (in which case they will trickle in), people figuring out I am a reply-to-sent cards only kind of guy...  I guess I don't mind too  much; I am saving on stamps, and while I prolly should hit the stores for closeouts on cards...the only downside is the address label pile did not exactly diminish this Christmas.


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