Monday, December 21, 2020


 First time in a long time that I didn't call Mom right before Final Jeopardy! tonight...that took some getting used to, but I will have to.  Funny; the tradition started my freshman year of college, when I stayed on campus for the summer and I would talk to my parents every day at that time... and we kept doing it; I would give my score and we'd talk about the day.  Of course, I have had a bevy of texts and phone calls today, people checking in and all, so... I was not exactly alone.

This could be me, but he certainly has done his part to create said divisions, hasn't he?  Not that we are going the way of the Episcopalians or Methodists yet (despite his theological attempts), but the man has certainly put his finger n the eyes of the theological conservatives... again, this is a problem, as in most cases, these are the people going to Masses, putting envelopes in the basket, and doing the legwork of the parishes. Unwise.

Maybe.  First of all, can Trumpism survive, and can it survive without Trump, if he goes away/party rejects him/whatever?  I am not sure he is going away, but with less of a platform, his voice might get marginalized (as much as it can be) and I am not sure that this is an unwise idea. Two, the GOP has to figure out a way to keep the new Trump voters whle also getting back the old voters, and this requires, if you will, surgical skill.  Now, someone other than Trump is probably a better choice for something on the "tact" side of the equation, but I don't know if we have anyone who can do it...


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