Sunday, January 10, 2021


 Today was a much more languid day...  the usual Mass, food pantry, and then the gym.  My sister and I met at the hovel and started to go through some of Mom's things -- mainly the paperwork.  Mom kept a lot of it, especially related to medications and such.  It is sort of funny; on the one hand, say, nutritionally, she was not concerned, but pill-wise... she was quite meticulous.  Oi.  Anyways, most of it can be shredded...especially the stuff that is two presidents old, if you get my drift.

Took another one off the National Film Registry, watching a six-minute short, "Kid Auto Races at Venice,: which is the first (extant) Charlie Chaplin as Tramp film out there.  I wouldn't think it is all that special, namely the Tramp getting in the way of motor car races and camera shots, but you can the genesis of his future roles and gigs in the movie, which I thought was interesting.   For the record, the count is now 751.

Looked over the restaurant list today; a bunch of them are more upscale/costlier places.  But not all (and I certainly afford to hit the pricier ones).  Anyways, depending on the schedule and weather, I may make a little culinary road trip this week... as I have taken to saying, Restaurant Lives Matter....


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