Saturday, May 15, 2021


One thing I always get a kick out of is people saying "Trust the science." There are two problems with this. One, of course, is that people generally do so ony so far as it follows their own personal prejudices and foibles.  Fine, I guess; we expect that.  Two, though, is more serious... what if the science was wrong?  Much as I like to remind people that the guy who popularized the lobotomy won a Nobel Prize... the fact of the matter is science is wrong all the time. Not even like big stuff, like, say, eugenics, but even dietary science, people are always changing things around; I can only imagine what dieticians will say in 20 years. Anyways, one reads articles like that of the above -- where "science" had it right and was ignored -- and you can see how people just say the hell with it.

Similarly, I like to mock the green again, I am a bit more sympathetic to their claims than I let on, but, as the article implies, even those products aren't exactly green either.  Or, as I used to say back when we went to the office, it's not my truck and 50 bikes out there...

I get a kick out of this, mainly because we won't have an economic recovery and "normal" until people get back to work.  I don;t blame people for not wanting to do so, because let's face it work sort of sucks (on the level that it deprives you of the time you could use to do other things), but everyone has to do it (so you have the cash to do other things you enjoy in the remaining time).  So, yeah, at the end of the day, the carrot has to be replaced by the stick...


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