Friday, April 22, 2022

A Glorious Return

 The new (sort of; it's a refurbished one, same as the last one, a bit odd) arrived last night.  I did some work on putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, but crashed -- hard -- about ten; I woke up at about 3 and found myself on the living room floor.  This was fine, but then, when I tried to actually sleep in the bed, I couldn't; I was quite restless.  Now, of course, when I want to get some rest... I cannot.  Alas.

Anyways, today I was able to go through Facebook and email as many of my contacts as I could (the old list, of course, did not transfer); I think about 12 are lost permanently, unless they text me.  Alas.  I mean, I could find these people on social media, or they can contact me elsewhere...but I am ok with having only a few people on the list, in all honesty.

It has been a while since I saw this theory, and I was not convinced of it fully then...or now.'

Um...interesting?  Odd?  A bit scary?  On to something?  All of the above, honestly.  To be sure, one of things I have always liked about Vance is how he has been calling out the elites for their role in America's ills... so if this is the natural progression of this argument, I guess should not complain, even if I think it is a bit of a stretch to go from "the elites are actually idiots and mucking things up" to "there is a grand cabal devoted to destroying America from within."


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