Friday, April 15, 2022

Big news

 So...I needed to make the kielbasa for the weekend, but of course I didn't want to make it during the I waited until midnight, fired up the oven... and here we are.  Aside from the non-violation but still sketchy avoidance of The Rules, it was...pretty good.  Cherrywood smoked from Krakow Deli and some (supplied by my sister) from State Road Meats.  A couple of fixings, some paska bread, and, once I get the basket down from the attic...we will be ready for the basket blessing tomorrow.

Noon Stations -- I don't recall the last time I went -- was actually somewhat crowded.  While I was glad they were there... I couldn't help but wonder where these people are the rest of Lent.  Alas.  At least I was able to finish up one project at work and clear up that backlog ever-so-slightly.

Of all the Democrats out there, this is the only one they can find that can't mentally cut it?

So, this is big!  But, can it help him?  Especially with stuff like this...

I don't know.  First, this is sort of late in the game.  Second, Vance hasn't been on air nearly enough, and while I like his ads...I bet there are plenty of people who didn't read Hillbilly Elegy and thus don't know all that much about him.  I think we can define most of the other guys in the race -- who they are and what they stand for -- but Vance has a good a story as anyone.

On the other hand...looking at the data from the article...about 15% of GOP voters have not made up their minds (seems hard to believe, but ok).  That's certainly enough -- with any slacking from the others -- to eke out a narrow win.  Now, I think he has to run an inside straight to get there, and then we have to win the general (in a red year), but if Trump can convince his voters to alter their allegiances... it could happen.


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