Friday, July 08, 2022


It was a good day today!  I actually finished some things.  One, I cleaned up a pile of paperwork that I had been putting off/got sidetracked on.  The room already looks cleaner, and if I can handle some more tomorrow and Sunday...such adulting.  At work I finished entering data into a spreadsheet set that I was charged with doing; I will fully update it Monday (and do so regularly going forward) but all were pleased that I finally finished that (the finally is my addition; all of the other stuff to do pushed the spreadsheet to the back burner).

I also finished the "Cocktails With a Curator" series of lectures (just those; not the associated ones, which are next) put out by the Frick Museum (let's not discuss his incredible legacy of shitting on the American worker, thank you very much).  They were quite informative -- a lot of times, the piece in question was highly tangential to the discussion, which was fine -- but the cocktails...I suspect everyone in the art world is a raging alcoholic.  It would, at least, explain the popularity of modern art. 

One thing I need to do is return to gym doubles; none were done this week, as I slept in a bit or recovered sleep from low blood sugar.  Grrr.   I do need the cardio, I need to burn calories, and I need to get more reading done.  Alas.

I am shocked, shocked, by this.  Next you're going to tell me that Joe Biden is doing a crappy job as President and can't even read a teleprompter....

This is hilarious; I mean, this is something the GOP should consider -- if only in jest -- in 2025, when President Desantis should have a GOP Senate and plenty of quotes from progressives about packing the Supreme Court.  I can only imagine how he would call them out on their hypocrisy in opposing such a move at that time...


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