Wednesday, June 22, 2022


 So, we hit a milestone today -- actually two!  First, this is my 1,300th post here, which is pretty cool, given that I am old and barely post every day nowadays.  Two, the Behemoth reached 160,000 miles.  This is also cool, mainly in that I am driving less now, so the miles come much less frequently.  But still, she has been a good truck, and I hope to get a few more good years out of her (and the new tires).

Finally had my birthday dinner with my sister -- I selected Twisted Taino in Parma, even though I had been there before, because it was fairly close and I have had a taste for it.  It was good; we did joke about how Mom would have bitched -- "Who Eats That Shit" was her favorite line -- but the portions were huge; both of us took home lunch tomorrow, and it was good to catch up with the latest family news and scandals... not that we had any role in them.

Is this surprising?  Maybe a little?  I mean, I do think there are plenty of Republicans who, while they like Trump, realize that it might be a little easier in 2024 if they run someone with...less baggage?  More competence?  Not in danger of any indictment?

Then, of course, there is this guy:

I don't know, this could be me, but you never see anyone going around and asking all of the Democrats who supported this guy what they think of him now.  I mean, that would be in addition to the meth and male escort thing.  Which, of course, brings me to this:


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