Tuesday, June 07, 2022

Happy Birthday

So, it was my birthday today, and while I was sort of down about -- and having a cold doesn't help -- it wasn't too bad.  I weighed in as low as I have been in a while (I am eating less, drinking more caffeine, to be sure) and while work was busy, it was fine... dined with my sister to catch up on stuff.  Got some cash presents, always nice to pay some bills.  Roofs do not pay for themselves, as I like to say.  More seriously, I have little to complain about it... I (finally) have a job that I enjoy, and am getting paid a good wage to do it.  I have a home -- more paid for than not -- in a non-shithole neighborhood.  The car is getting driven a lot less.  My bills are in control -- debts are low-interest rates, at least.  I had good parents, have a good family, and I would like to think I play a role in the communities and organizations in which I am a part.  It could be worse, even as I approach decrepitude.


Interesting....I sort of agree, but on the other hand... he was the perfect candidate for Virginia, and we can't give the convention enough credit for that.  In some ways, a convention is better than a primary; electability, I think, matters more to party professionals than voters, which is not good, because often you send a message that "we don't care about winning an election."  No one wants "I am not a witch" running for the Senate, you know.  In VA they chose...wisely.  Dems, on the other hand, chose poorly.  I don't know; I would like to think again that the party professionals looked at the opposition and said "we can beat him with this guy." Here in OH we have...well, the Donald and a candidate with a good story.  We lean red, so it may work, but then you look at, say, PA, and most people think that the GOP ticket is dead.  Hell, were it not for the economic conditions and the Fetterman absence... we could call the priest.


Just like that!  I think this is what makes politics so interesting and exciting in general, for one, is that fact that no one really knows what will happen.  This article is case in point.  The GOP voter registration explosion can't be ignored, but...the gubernatorial candidate might be unpalatable to some, and the Senate candidate is... a celebrity TV doctor.  Mind you, his campaign seems to be in better shape right now due to Fetterman's health scare and his continually evolving timeline.  In some ways this is ideal for Oz; his primary opponent conceded, the lovefest can begin, and he can run.  But PA is more of a moderate state, especially where the people are, and they might decide that the whole thing is too much.  Unless gas is $6 a gallon, of course.


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