Tuesday, June 07, 2022

The last day of 43

 So, I was supposed to post last night, but... I have a cold.  Grr.  Woke up yesterday with sniffles and a stuffy nose, and just felt languid all day... no matter the caffeine consumption.  Hence, I crashed early (like 11) and slept in til almost 7.  Now, I should keep this up, but we all know this won't happen.  I do feel slightly better today...of course, today is my birthday, and while I will not share my age...let's say that it is quite depressing.  At least I share a birthday with Mike Pence.

Yesterday I watched "Wall-E."  Am I missing something?  (Of course.)  I mean, it was a beautiful film to watch, but in terms of plot...it was dumb.  Hell, we are fat and lazy people who don't pick up after ourselves anyways, so we do not need a spaceship for that.  Oi.  What a way to spend 90 minutes.  It was on the National Film Registry, so...793.  I also think I need a new CD player; I have long given up hope that the DVD/VCR player can be saved...which sucks as I do have a bunch of tapes.  At least that still plays.

Gas is now over $5 here; no end in sight to the climb.  I bought at $4.75 to get my tank half full and thought it was a miracle...maybe it was.   Without more refining capacity, of course, you can't get it out, even if the barrel crude price falls.  Not sure why Mike DeWine doesn't propose the state build one; I mean, he is probably going to be re-elected, but... I would think it would be good politics to put the Biden Administration on the spot about this, but that is me...


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