Monday, June 13, 2022

Exhaustion and Bemusement

 I crashed early -- sort of -- and hard yesterday, and have been feeling it today...tired, in every sense of the word.  Maybe it was the early onset of the heat, the fact that I woke up in the middle of the night the last two nights with low blood sugar (affecting sleep issues), and of course this silly cold...which is getting better, but is not gone.  Anyways, I skipped the gym and simply caught up on stuff here; prolly unwise, but there is a pile of little things that have been handled, so maybe this approach was not unwise.  Early to bed, sleep in a bit -- I hope to be back to fighting strength tomorrow.

Part of the problem was that Sunday was quite busy -- grilling for the parish picnic, then a Baptism and fest, all quite nice, but I was up on my feet and running about all day (and much of the evening).  Fun but yet another reminded that I am not quite a young man anymore.  Alas.

Jonathan Bernstein was talking about this today; I mean, I think the greater fear for Dems is that -- given their mismanagement of everything under the sun -- that some of these GOP candidates might actually win in the general; people keeping paying $5 for gas and $3 for eggs, and they might just decide to roll the dice on Plan B, whoever that is.  Funny thing, for me, though, is that maybe it is time for the GOP to do the same? I mean, look to WV for instance...  ok; I think most Dems there are smart enough to know that without him the seat is toast, but... they are Dems, so we know they aren't the brightest.  Hence...prop up someone!  I would like to think there are enough other races and candidates would could be flanked the left in the same vein, even in red states...

Hahahaha!  Again, if they were stupid enough to run him...well, we should be calling them on this every fricking day...

Again, they voted for this, they should have to live with this, and we should be telling everyone about this.  More seriously...if this is how these people want to live, fine, but there is no way in hell they should be deciding anything else for the rest of us...


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