Thursday, June 09, 2022


 Lots of stuff I have been finding amusing lately...the scandal at the Washington Post, for one.  I think every guy has made the joke Dave Wiegel did (in one form or another) and while I am not sure he should punished for...well, maybe he should be punished for saying out loud what everyone else thinks.  Then, of course, their Twitter-sphere exploded (why I don't use social media), and...well, the story has been an awesome trainwreck ever since.

Moving on the world of sports... well, the whole Saudi golf league amuses me.  I mean, it's obvious that these guys are doing it for the money, and on the one hand...I don't blame them?  If someone came along and offered me double my salary...I would have to think about it, at least.  Now, the whole "shitty person who kills journalists" is an issue (especially to the journalists), but... I don't know.  People do business with shitty people all the time, and for a lot of business...

Then, of course, we have the latest DeShaun Watson news...this could be me, but I find it hard to believe that the Browns didn't know anything about this.  Unless they know that these encounters were "consensual," which I find extremely hard to believe... again, this is the guy you get at a discount.  I don't really believe that the NFL will throw the book at him, that the DAs in Texas will go after his attorney, etc., but... miracles do happen, I guess.

I don't know.  Do I feel sorry for teachers?  Yes?  Do we ask a lot of them?  Of course.  On the other hand...  in many ways, they have brought this on themselves.... teachers, and their unions, brought all this scrutiny and criticism of their ways on themselves.  Insisting on remote learning -- even after evidence showed it was hurting students -- only pissed off parents, and now with all of the culture war stuff going on, people are even less willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Mind you, it's not like they have done themselves any further favors by not admitting they were wrong...


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