Thursday, July 07, 2022


 Pub Quiz tonight, and...we lost.  We were close going into the Final J! round, and -- betting it all, as we do -- we proceeded to blow a 50/50 question, and that was that.  Very sad.  Somber and morose, as I told one of my friends after, to which he responded by asking how I react when confronted with actual tragedies.  Poorly, I assured him.  I also had the indignity of having to answer questions with the answers of "Jane Fonda" (I booed loudly) and "The Dixie Chicks" (I snorted contemptuously).  Much sadness all around.  Alas.

I was sort of surprised to see BoJo go.  Not saying he shouldn't have, but he was -- to me -- the ultimate political survivor.  Like another certain politician with three wives, ethical scandals, bad hair, and a problem with truthiness, his problems were mainly caused by himself, but I would have thought he could have been able to put together a leadership team to withstand this.  Alas.  Not to be.

I think this is quite right, but...ever notice that with liberals, the current GOP President is always exponentially worse than the last one?  In Trump's early days they were saying they missed Bush, and I am sure before a month is out in President DeSantis' term they will be saying they miss Trump -- mainly for the reasons in the article.
They mention the OH race in this one, and... they're right.  This IS a problem.  Newsweek had an article saying that Ryan is up 9, which seems high, but as he is on the air -- defining himself, attacking Vance -- and JD is not... that's an issue, putting it mildly.  I would like to think that the GOP should NOT be outfunded in battleground states, and given the Biden/Dems polling situation, this is ridiculous.  It is toxic for them but if they can drum up the base, you have to appeal to more Election Day voters, and that isn't necessarily a given.


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