Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sunday Funday

 Long day yesterday, so today I... took a nap.  Guess I needed it.  More seriously, it has been good.  I finished book 21 -- To Keep and Bear Arms -- which concerns the historical development of the right to bear arms, first in the UK, and then in the US.  Basically... well, it evolved/changed from monarch to monarch and Parliament to Parliament, but at no point in English history between 1603 and 1789 did the right mean that Englishmen did NOT have the right to bear arms (at least for home defense); such stuff as hunting or carrying arms outside could change.  But it was never proscribed in the UK (until modern times).  In the US, of course, the first thing that the colonies/states did was to erase any limits on gun ownership; indeed, in many cases, it was required, as was service in the militia.  My kind of state...

Funny; I was supposed to meet a friend for lunch, didn't really feel like it, then heard Fr. Paschall's sermon (it was the parable of the Good Samaritan for the Gospel) about how being Christlike is being there for someone, so...after the gym I decided to make sure I saw him.  He, amusingly, texted me -- tired after a double and wanted a rain check.  But I am definitely on track for later in the week.

This bodes poorly for the future, right?  A nice fear-based election; reminds me of 1860.  To be sure, nothing like fear to gin up the base on both sides.  I am not that the GOP leadership and its base are in line; I can't imagine them demanding hides for the past two or four years, but a lot of GOP voters are pissed and want blood, and, in some cases, I think it is more than justified...

This could be me, but freedom to kill a child is a freedom that I don't think anyone should have...

The Church is often under attack!  Indeed, one can argue that its Truths are most upheld when it is under the greatest pressure!  Think of the martyrs of Rome, those in Mexico during the 20s (Socialism in action), even those missionaries like Fr. Damien.  More seriously, I can't help but think that a bunch of pro-murder advocates running around attacking churches would be ideal for GOP electoral prospects...


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