Saturday, January 21, 2023

Catching Up

 My streak of postings ended last night, as I ended up -- not reading the book I should be done with! -- heading over to a friend's where I met some interesting people, played some board games, and listened to some German-influenced trance/EDM he has been creating.  It was...interesting?  I mean, I liked it, and wouldn't mind doing it again, but 1) Like Avatar, that sort of thing is to be enjoyed when on something; and 2) I can't help but feel Euro-trashy when I listen to it.  Alas.

Slept in a bit today, caught up on some reading, then went to the gym for a decent workout -- arms (no cardio, alas), and then back home to do watch Duke barely win against Miami.  To be sure, Miami is not the Little Sisters of the Poor, but... those missed FTs late almost killed me.  I know it's the modern game, but... at least Dickie V is able to... honor and laud Coach Scheyer in the same way he did for Coach K, so, in some ways, all is well with the world.

Funny... I finally did some SVDP work and emailed (as I do regularly, just not regularly enough) all of the co-managers in the District, when I realized that I have another parish that I need to get out and see.  So there are three (one I will see next month, the other two Conferences...well, I have to search), and then I will be done.  We have a new one coming on, and I would like to think with some prodding I could add another, but it was somewhat humbling to realize that I had completely forgotten a parish...


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