Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Out and About

Good day today!  Busy with work, and to top it off we had a District Presidents' meeting.  I learn a lot from these things (downtown loved my list, for one) and while I always have a bunch of action items to follow up on, it is worth it...mostly.  That is the thing, though -- as with so many other things in life; always something else that crops up.  I guess it is not a bad thing, but something that needs to be done... especially if good comes from it.

I met a friend for dinner tonight; he suggested Red Lobster, and off we went... he thought it wasn't very crowded (the Strongsville locale), but to me, it was 1) we ate late and 2) there are 900 restaurants in the city, so... they all cannibalize each other.  Now, I had not been in one in years, and it was...pretty good?  A bit pricey, and I don't think the cheddar bay biscuits are quite the same (but 100 times better than if you make them at home), but you do get a decent amount of food... and it was decent.  I know I tend not to prefer chains, but there is something to be said for them...sometimes, not-so-different is good.  In other news, all this eating out... I am going to be Mattie the rotund at this pace.

One other downside of all these dinners; the links, bookmarks, and emails are slowly piling up, and I need to go through them, and read/sort/erase some of them.  Most are just cool stuff I see during the day and don't want to read on company time, and some are lengthy emails dealing with stuff I need to research and look over...  the problem, of course, is when I do not, and they just pile up.  I shouldn't necessarily feel all antsy about this, but like my listomania, any deviation from the "empty as possible inbox and bookmark column" causes me a form of angst.


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