Sunday, January 29, 2023


 Got in late last night -- for a bunch of reasons -- and in consequence I didn't do all that much.  Sort of; I handled the pile of paperwork I have been putting off, wrote all the food pantry checks I needed to write, scanned over all the surveys (no real complaints; most people seemed pleased with what they get), and dealt with most of the emails I have littering about.  Hell, even went through some bookmarks!  Quite the good day in that regard, and I also made a mental note to attend Mass on St. Blaise's Day, even if -- as I fear -- the days of the individual blessings are over.

Nice surprise this morning; my sister showed up Mass.  As she noted, she was up, and the church was so pretty, so why not?  Aside from the usual comments about the contents of my envelopes, the fact that by donating to the second collection she was perpetuating my work at the OC, and that I had double EM duty, it was nice... we then drifted to the Chimney for breakfast (again), which was good, and fortunately, a bit less...immediate to my digestive system.  Then it was gym (arms and plenty of cardio) and home, where I skipped lunch due to that Chimney breakfast rolling about in me.  My sister was correct. though; the church IS beautiful and while I understand why it is time for them to come down...I am still a little sad.

You know what terrifies me?  Kids turning into adults and dying early due to a lifetime of health issues caused by bad diet choices.  Paying for everyone else's shitty health care decisions.  Mind you, this is the party of Science, of course, so why they are indulging in this... there have been a lot of these articles lately, have there not?  The WSJ had one about people needing to meet size requirements for amusement park rides, and I was of the opinion that this is yet another reason NOT to hit the roller coasters...


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