Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday Night Follies

 I watched the Paul Pelosi video but not the one from Memphis....does this make me a racist?  Perhaps.  Maybe, as it is Friday night, I am just not in the mood for some tragedies.  This could be me, but as ALL of the officers in the Memphis are Black, as is the victim...will the protests be different?  Should they be?  In some cases the police are out of control, in others... not enough.  One would think, with all the body cams and such increasingly prevalent, police would be...more restrained.  But, as my college advisor used to say, the smaller the town, the bigger was the football star who became the deputy.  Now, that's not completely fair, but it is not unfair, either.

God, I hope so!  I mean, I think in some ways we are becoming the party of the working class; certainly culturally.  Such common sense things as "no drag shows for kids" and "body parts equal biology" really aren't working class values; they have been forced on us by the left.  Fine...adopt them and take the war to them (very blue collar).  On the other hand, a lot of GOPers won't like this, and I sort of get it.  We do need to reform entitlements and cut spending, as popular as it may be.  Cutting government would be good.  I wonder, in some ways, how DeSantis and those around him will try to outflank Trump on this issue, as it may well decide the primaries.

This is...problematic, to say the least, especially for those who have been demanding his reinstatement.  It's one thing to be disobedient to the Bishop, it's quite another to pull this.  My first thought upon reading this was that maybe Pavone was told to go away quietly and the secrets would stay buried.  He didn't (either out of stupidity or a calculation) and now.  To be sure, he still has plenty of defenders, but as with so many other things, the number and severity of claims... are hard to combat.


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