Tuesday, February 07, 2023


Tonight was the State of the Union address, and, as always, I was watching.  I skipped the fest the Fun Run Bunch normally throws and instead decided to stay home (trying not to infest everyone).  It was...fine?  Very long.  Certainly some things the GOP could support -- insulin price caps, strengthening the border -- but I would have loved to have seen Kevin McCarthy be the rebuttal speaker and spell out a bunch of competing priorities.  I mean, for one, the battles with Biden will be in the House.  Two, spelling out our priorities would indicate where the lines in the sand were.  Three...there is a belief, if you will, that McCarthy is just a big a lightweight as Biden, and running him out there with even a decent set of priorities... well, that would have been impressive.

Had my haircut in Lakewood today (looks pretty good) and afterwards, I just had this urge to get pizza -- been a while since I had some.  So I walked to the pizza place next door and got a couple of slices.  It was... good.  Plain was better than pepperoni, honestly, but it just felt good to pig out once in a while.  Like I don't enough as it is...

I actually spent much of the speech typing up an updated list of SVDP conferences in the East District, complete with services offered and that sort of thing.  I mean, it didn't take an incredibly long period of time, and I had a lot of the stuff lying around in my notebook, but putting it all together was not the worst thing in the world, and certainly our Presidents will find it useful.  If only we could all get together like good Vincentians should... I mean, that is also my job as East District President, but baby steps...

One odd thing today...my CGM expired, so I ripped it out and put the new one in.  Well, it didn't register, and I soon found out why; blood was pouring out of it.  This has never happened before, so I removed that one.  I called Abbott to order a new one and to ask what is happening; used to be these things were like clockwork but this is the third in three months that didn't work, and, well, the whole blood thing was more than a little unsettling, to put it mildly...  


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