Good Friday
I was surprisingly busy today... finished one project (at least the big half of it!) and then moved on to some smaller items that need to be handled before I go back to the second half of the big one. Definitely one nice thing about my company I need to remember... at the last job, we would literally beat a project to death with complex questions, reviews, back-and-forths, etc. Here... well, not that we don't want detail, but that can come... later. It's not that it is not important, but we need answers to questions first, and if I need to go back... I can. That, and people are actually happy with my work. It's quite impressive.
Today, of course, is Good Friday. Odd; I had to explain to a few people some stuff -- why I went to church (not Mass, of course!), why I was off the phone in the afternoon, why I had a quiet day at home and gyn... are we really becoming that secular of a county that this stuff needs to be explained? I guess when I worked on the East Side I was used to it, as the place is full of Hope and Changers. But now... it is really everywhere, and it is sort of depressing. At least now people were polite with my explanations...but it all seems somewhat superfluous.
Almost done with the White Flight book, where the author is now explaining how the civil rights movement created the suburbs and the modern GOP. This is slightly amusing now, as today -- the party of Trump seems to have lost the suburbs. We've kept the racial resentment, it seems, but now we have become the party of the working classes. To be sure, I think the suburbs are in play -- education and crime mean a lot, and the GOP answer resonates, but candidate quality and abortion are definitely issues as well. Again, much like both parties grappled in the 60s with what and where they stood on issues, so too are GOPers doing so now. It is quite fascinating, though I would prefer we figured it out sooner rather than later.
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