Monday, April 03, 2023

Right Minded

 34 counts?  34??!!  Impressive.  Overkill?  Making a point?  Hard to say... I mean, I know of very few objective observers who don't think the Donald pulled crap (such as paying off the mistress), but there is the matter of proving it.  The Feds couldn't do it, but can the locals?  To be sure, one defense he might have is that he can't get a fair trial there, and honestly... that could work; certainly a more favorable jury in upstate NY but I doubt he could get it moved.  I sort of wish I could be there for the train wreck, though I think "a hot mess" is a tremendous understatement, to put it mildly.

Started a new book today, White Flight, which looks at how Atlanta was desegregated...and then resegregated.  I didn't realize that Atlanta, like Columbus, basically absorbed a lot of its inner ring suburbs -- including the Buckhead neighborhood that wants to succeed again.  Interesting -- and I not into the sixties yet -- as to how the city came together and how (initially) it seemed that they racial harmony there.  I definitely should pick up the pace, as a friend gave me a book to read, so...

I am coming to the end of the antibiotic treatment, and the mouth still is sore; ok, the hole on the right side has not healed, I suspect.  Not sure what else can be done, save for time.  This is Easter week, which means that in a few days I will want to eat everything in sight, and if I cannot...not sure I want to call the dentist again and go back for more quackery.  Actually, the more I think about it, I don't even want to go back for the "permanent" cap...

How America Started to Fall Out of Love With College Degrees (

Is this a bad thing?  I don't think so.  For one thing, they brought it on themselves...with the cost, the war against men, the concerns about what they are teaching, and the increasing need for people to have jobs that don't necessarily require one... oh well.  Colleges can reinvent.  Or not, and there will be fewer of them.  As I am fond of saying... we will survive.

The Christian Liberal-Arts School at the Heart of the Culture Wars | The New Yorker

I was actually surprised by this piece; I expected a hack job, but, dare I say, they tried to be fair and balanced?  It was certainly informative, and I get the sense that the place avoids many of the fights present at other schools, which makes it doubly attractive to the right.

Is it me, or is the latest news from Florida -- Disney found a way to get around the new special district created by Governor Superb -- a set up?   Not saying it is, but I can imagine the DeSantis team orchestrating this to not only lure them into this, but then to really hammer them, which would provide a not-so-significant boost to Ron's chances in the GOP primary.  Which would be terrible...


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